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Deployment Best Practice

When deploying your app to production, consider the following best practices:

  • Run a Production Build: Use the command npm run deploy or yarn deploy to generate a production build in the dist folder. To start the app in production, use node dist/app.js.

  • Set "NODE_ENV" to "production": Ensure that the "NODE_ENV" environment variable is set to "production" when running the app. This triggers optimizations such as caching views and compressing development error messages. Learn how to set up "NODE_ENV" here.

  • Customize Error Pages: Customize the error page using a custom error handler.

  • Configure Logger: Set up your logger to save logs in a persistent file or another suitable storage.

  • Use a Process Manager: Employ a process manager like PM2, Forever, etc., to run your app.

  • Implement Compression: While you can configure any third-party library for compression in a wall component, it's recommended to configure compression in the reverse proxy server (e.g., Nginx). A reverse proxy server can serve multiple purposes, such as caching requests and compression.