Bootstrapping in the context of software development refers to the process of initializing and preparing a system or application for execution. It involves setting up the necessary components, configurations, and resources to ensure that the system is in a ready state to start processing requests or tasks.
Bootstrapping in Fort.js is straightforward. The minimum requirement involves defining your controller routes and providing them to Fort.js.
import { Fort } from "fortjs";
import { UserController } from "./controllers";
// add routes
Fort.routes = [{
controller: UserController,
path: "/user"
// initiate app
Fort.create().then(()=>{"App is started");
Configuring App
FortJs provides different configurations like - port, folders, appName etc.
import { Fort } from "fortjs";
import { UserController } from "./controllers";
Fort.appName = "MyAwesomeApp";
Fort.port = 8080
Fort.routes = [{
controller: UserController,
path: "/user"
Configuration options
- appName - name of application - default is fort. Visible in header and cookie. Change name if you dont want any one to know the framework name.
- port - Port at which app will listen, default - 4000
- logger - Supply your custom logger.
- viewPath - Views folder location. By default it is - views.
- folders - folders which should be visible to requests. By default nothing is allowed.
- eTag - eTag Settings
- walls - List of walls
- customErrorHandler - A custom error handler class which will be used when framework detects error.
- shouldParseBody - Whether to parse http body data in post request or not. It is boolean value and default value is true.
- shouldParseCookie - Whether to parse cookie or not. It is boolean value and default value is true.