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Fort.js is a web framework for Node.js that aims to provide a simple and efficient way to build web server applications with focus on simplicity, performance, reusability and scalability.

In this tutorial, we'll go through the steps to set up a basic project and understand basic terminology about fortjs.


Fort.js provides fort-creator to streamline project setup and development.

Initiate a New Project

npx fort-creator init

Follow the prompts to choose your project language (typescript or javascript). Fort-creator will generate the project for you.

Run the Project

cd <project-name>
npm run dev

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4000 to view the Fort.js default page.


Let's delve into some fundamentals of fortjs -

  1. Controller
  2. Http Route
  3. Bootstrapping


A Controller in Fortjs is a class responsible for defining methods that handle specific HTTP endpoints. It encapsulates the logic for processing incoming requests and generating appropriate responses. Controllers play a pivotal role in organizing and structuring the application's request-handling logic.

👉 Each controller represents an endpoint, which is mapped to a path known as the controller route.

In our current code, the DefaultController is mapped to the route /*.


import { Controller, viewResult, assign, http } from "fortjs";

export class DefaultController extends Controller {

async index(@assign('FortJs') title) {

const data = {
title: title
const result = await viewResult('../src/views/default/index.html', data);
return result;

import { DefaultController } from "@/controllers/default_controller";

export const routes = [{
path: "/*",
controller: DefaultController

Here, you can observe that the DefaultController has been mapped with the path "/*", which signifies a controller-level route.

For more detailed information on controllers, please refer to the Controller documentation.

Http Route

Http Routes are endpoints associated with controller methods. When the endpoint is called, the method linked to that specific endpoint is executed.

A special decorator called http is utilized to define the supported Http Method for your endpoint, along with specifying the path.

Here's an example from the created project:

import { Controller, viewResult, assign, http } from "fortjs";

export class DefaultController extends Controller {

async index(@assign('FortJs') title) {

const data = {
title: title
const result = await viewResult('../src/views/default/index.html', data);
return result;


In the provided code, the @http.get decorator is used to specify that our endpoint supports only the GET Http Method, and the parameter value "/" is passed to set the endpoint path.

So, when we access http://localhost:4000/, the index method is executed, and we see an HTML page in the response.

Let's create another method helloWorld which will be mapped with endpoint hello-world and it will return text Hello World.

import { Controller, viewResult, textResult, assign, http } from "fortjs";

export class DefaultController extends Controller {

async index(@assign('FortJs') title) {

const data = {
title: title
const result = await viewResult('../src/views/default/index.html', data);
return result;


async helloWorld(){
return textResult("Hello World");

Now, navigate to the URL http://localhost:4000/hello-world.

For additional details on routes, please refer to the routes documentation.


Bootstrapping in Fort.js is straightforward. The minimum requirement involves defining your controller routes and providing them to Fort.js.

import { DefaultController } from "@/controllers/default_controller";

export const routes = [{
path: "/*",
controller: DefaultController
import * as path from "path";
import { Fort } from "fortjs";
import { routes } from "@/routes";

export const createApp = async () => {
Fort.routes = routes;
process.env.APP_URL = `http://localhost:${Fort.port}`;
await Fort.create();

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "test") {
createApp().then(() => {
Fort.logger.debug(`Your fort is located at address - ${process.env.APP_URL}`);
}).catch(err => {

Read the Bootstrapping documentation for more detailed information.

We hope this provides you with a basic understanding of Fortjs. If you have any doubts or specific requirements, please feel free to create a discussion or issue on GitHub.
