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The interface HttpResult is used by workers or components to return the result.

export interface IHttpResult {
responseData: any;
contentType: MIME_TYPE;

Returning data

Let's see an example to return a text data -

import { Controller, http, HTTP_STATUS_CODE, MIME_TYPE  } from "fortjs";

export class UserController extends Controller {

async default () {
return {
statusCode: HTTP_STATUS_CODE.Ok,
responseData: "Hello World",
contentType: MIME_TYPE.Text

In the above snippet - we are sending data "Hello World" with MIME Type Text which tells browser to consider this as text result.

Helper methods

FortJs provides some helper method which return result of type IHttpResult. These are -

  • textResult - used to return text result.
  • jsonResult - used to return json result.
  • htmlResult - used to return html result.
  • viewResult - used to return a view.
  • fileResult - used to return a file which will be rendered by browser.
  • downloadResult - used to return a file which will be downloaded by browser.
  • redirectResult - used to return a result which will tell browser to redirect url.

Returning text data using helper method

import { Controller, http, textResult } from "fortjs";

export class UserController extends Controller {

async default () {
return textResult("Hello World");

You can see - helper methods make things very easy and clean.