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Fortjs exposes Components which allows you to access application component at anywhere in your code.

👉 This is helpful when you want to execute a component with its dependency as it was called from the endpoint.

Components has property - controller.


As name sounds - it has access to Controller and expose following methods -

  1. getInstance
  2. getMethod
  3. executeMethod


getInstance allows you to get the instance or object of a Controller by its name.

import { Components } from "fortjs";

const instance = Components.controller.getInstance("DefaultController")

You can also initialize controller by passing initialization data -

import { Components } from "fortjs";

const instance = Components.controller.getInstance("DefaultController",{
name:'Ujjwal Gupta'

For all the initialization property, please read Initialize doc


getMethod can be used to get a method of a controller.

import { Components } from "fortjs";

const method = Components.controller.getMethod("UserController", "createUser");


executeMethod can be used to execute a method of a controller. It also inject all the dependency and then execute the method.

import { Components } from "fortjs";

const methodResult = Components.controller.executeMethod("UserController", "createUser");