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View Engine

In order to create a view engine - You need to create a class which will implement class ViewEngine from "fortjs".

e.g - Let's see how we can use ejs as view engine. You can download the code for below example here - ViewEngine configurtion example

import { ViewEngine, ViewEngineData, getViewFromFile } from "fortjs";
import * as ejs from "ejs";

export class EjsViewEngine implements ViewEngine {

async render(value: ViewEngineData) {
const viewData = await getViewFromFile({ fileLocation: value.view});
return ejs.render(viewData, value.model);

The method render will be called by fortjs with value of type ViewEngineData. You need to use this value and return html string.

After you have created view engine, you need to tell fort to use this view engine. Open app.ts /app.js

import { Fort } from 'fortjs';
import { routes } from './routes';
import { EjsViewEngine } from './ejs_view_engine';

Fort.viewEngine = EjsViewEngine;
Fort.routes = routes;

Now We have successfully integrated our view engine with fortjs. Let's test our view engine setup -

Create a view

create a file "index.ejs" inside the folder - "views". Paste the below code inside the file -

<html lang="en">

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">



In the above code - title and msg will be sent from the controller and rendered by ejs view engine.

Now let's pass data from Controller and call our view engine for rendering this view -

export class DefaultController extends Controller {

async default() {
const model = {
title: "FortJs",
msg: "This is rendered by mustache"
const result = await viewResult("index.ejs", model);
return result;

we are using viewResult to render the view, which takes - the relative location of view and model value.