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The body is a class member of Guard and Controller. It provides access to the HTTP body data sent in an HTTP request.

import { Controller, http, textResult } from "fortjs";

export class DefaultController extends Controller {"/login")
async login() {
// Access post data
const {userId, password} = this.body;

return textResult("OK");

In the example above, this.body is used to retrieve data from the HTTP body of a POST request in a Fort.js controller. Adjust the properties based on the structure of your incoming data.

Body Parsing Configuration

By default, Fort.js parses the body data. However, you can turn off this feature by setting the option - shouldParseBody. Please refer to the bootstrap documentation for more information.

// In your bootstrap file
Fort.shouldParseBody = false;

Inject Body Data

You can inject body data into components or controller methods for easy access to HTTP request body data.

To achieve this, use the @asBody decorator.

import { Controller, http, textResult, asBody } from "fortjs";

export class UserController extends Controller {"/create")
async createUser(@asBody user) {
// The 'user' parameter now contains the data from the HTTP request body

// Your logic for creating a user
// ...

return textResult("User created successfully");

In this example, the @asBody decorator is used on the user parameter of the createUser method. This automatically injects the data from the HTTP request body into the user parameter. You can then use this data within your method to perform the desired logic, such as creating a user in this case.

Please ensure that the structure of the user object aligns with the expected format and content of the data sent in the HTTP request body.


In typescript: you can assign a type to user variable. For example -

import { UserDTO } from "@/models";
async createUser(@asBody user: UserDTO) {
