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you can use param to extract route data for variable routing. It is class member of Guard and Controller.

e.g - consider the route - "{value}/hi" . Here value is a variable and this can be extracted using param.

import { http, Controller} from "fortjs";
export class FileController extends Controller {

async getScripts() {
const fileName = this.param.file;

For more info about routing, please check the route doc.

Inject Path Parameters

You can inject path parameters into components or controller methods for easy access to values specified in the URL path.

To achieve this, use the @asParam decorator.

import { Controller, http, textResult, asParam } from "fortjs";

export class UserController extends Controller {

async getUserById(@asParam params) {
// The 'params' object contains all path parameters
const userId = params.userId;

// Your logic for processing user information based on the user ID
// ...

return textResult(`User information for ID ${userId} retrieved successfully`);

In this corrected example, the @asParam decorator without any arguments injects the entire params object. You can then access specific path parameters using their names as properties of the params object, such as params.userId in this case.