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Logging is a required part of development. We log for debugging, saving exception, information etc.

That's why fortjs provides a default logger which is very simple & logs everything in console. The advantage of provided logger is that you don't need to import it everywhere which makes your code clean.

The logger is a class member of all components i.e controller, shield, wall, guard. Let's see an example -

import { Controller, worker, jsonResult } from "fortjs";

export class UserController extends Controller {

async getAllUsers(){
const users = [{

// log users
this.logger.debug('users are', users);

return jsonResult(users);


You might want to log everything in files or database, so want to customize the default logger. Logger can be customized very easily by creating a class & extending Logger

import { Logger } from 'fortjs';

export class CustomLogger extends Logger {

debug(message) {
// do anything with message


Now you need to tell framework to use your logger -

import { Fort } from 'fortjs';

Fort.logger = CustomLogger;

Logger has following methods available -

  • debug(...args)
  • info(...args)
  • error(...args)
  • log(...args)

Since you are extending, you can create your own method too.

For more help - You can see examples for winston implementation :