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Cron is a crucial process for running jobs at regular intervals, and Fortjs makes it remarkably easy to create and manage cron jobs.

Create Cron Job

Let's create a cron job that increments a counter every second. To create the job, follow these steps:

  1. Create a class that extends the ScheduleTask from Fortjs.
  2. Implement the execute method and include your task inside it. In our case, the task is to increment the counter value.
import { ScheduleTask } from "fortjs";

export class CounterScheduler extends ScheduleTask {
counter = 0;

async execute() {

Use Cron Job

In the previous section, we defined the cron job, but now we need to instruct Fortjs to execute this cron job based on a cron expression.

In your bootstrap file (index.ts), add the following code:

import { CounterScheduler } from "./crons/counter";

expression: "*/1 * * * * *", // run every 1 second
task: CounterScheduler,
name: "Counter"

// Start all cron jobs

Start Cron Job

The Fortjs scheduler provides two methods to initiate the cron job:

  1. startAll
  2. start


startAll initiates all registered cron jobs.

// start all cron job


start takes the cron name and starts the specified cron.


Stop cron job

The Fortjs scheduler provides two methods to halt the execution of cron jobs:

  1. stopAll
  2. stop


stopAll stops all registered cron jobs.

// stop all cron job


stop takes the cron name and stops the specified cron.


Fortjs utilizes the cron package under the hood to execute cron tasks. However, it can be configured to use any alternative package. For more details, refer to the documentation - Cron Scheduler.